16 lut 2011

Japanese Festival

At this weekend I was on Japanese Festival. I was waiting for that for a long time. This festival took two days. Program was full of very interesting subjects. Mostly there were a lot of anime and manga, but also I could find something for me like lessons of Japanese language, panel about KPOP, panel about Korean boys bands, girls bands, etc.
Festival started at 10 am on Saturdays, but I and my friends go there after 8 am and it was already huge queue . We stayed in that queue in cold and we were freezing.

This is ticket for two days

This is program

Finally we got tickets around 10 am, we checked all rooms to see what's there. We went on the presentation about ARASHI – I'm not huge fan of this band, but it was quite interesting to see some mv on huge screen. Then there was discussion about japanese music except Johnny's Entertainment. There was a lot bands but one of them look really different and interesting. This band is called RIN and there are three girls whose play on strange instruments.

This is song which we heard :

Then after that we went to huge hall and there were a lot of stands. There we can but everything with manga and anime, also there were some brooch with favourite bands and character from anime. I bought brooch with Kat-Tun, because it was only that band that I like, but my friend bought brooch with Gackt. There were a lot of accessories like pendants, key holders, some stuff for mobile phones etc.

The brooch I bought :

After that we went for dinner and we went on japanese lesson – it was amazing. Sensei taught us some basic of that language and I felt like I was at school. I love that lessons. Then we stayed at the same room and we watched premiere of movie “ A fan's eye -view of Japan”. This movie was made by guy who loves Japan and he travels there and making movies about this country. After that movie we talked about Japan – he told us very interesting things.
When this panel finished we went to home – eat something and rest a little bit. Around 10 pm we went back and we were on discussion about Korean girls bands and boys bands. It was boring because we already knew everything what they said there, but I like one song after that. It's an old song of band T-ara.

I love that song already

Then we went on Korean Drama Night – it started at midnight. We watched there first episodes of “Dream High”, “ Mary stayed out all night”, “ Beethoven virus”, “Bad guy”,” Oh my lady”- it finished around 8 am on Sunday, but I and my friend went back to home around 6 am to catch some sleep. I went back there at 8.30 because it was second lesson of japanese – and it was awesome. Now really I understand a little bit Japanese grammar. Then it was panel about drama – but they changed program and only I heard 10 minutes of that discussion. I watched panel about japanese band D'espairs Ray – I like this song of them :

At the end of this festival I was on panel KPOP Generation – but unfortunately girls whose talked about this theme were not prepared at all, so I left that panel and went to home.

In this year in my country they prepare a lot of this kind festivals, so I'm going to be there for sure. Soon in 2.04.2011 will be another one in my city, so for sure I will be there. The biggest on will be on summer and it will be like Music Bank in Korea, so I can't wait.

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